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[Anon.], Deep Gallery Shelters, Translated at the Army War College from a French Study, July 1917, (Government Printing Office, Washington, 1917).
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[Anon.], Extracts from the old mining regulations Issued by the General of Pioneers, Army Headquarters, Laon, April 1915, General Staff SS461, 1916.
[Anon.], Feld=Anweisung Heeres=Sauerstoff=Schutzgerät, [War Ministry, Berlin], 1917.
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[Anon.], German Army Handbook, April 1918, (Arms and Armour Press, London, 1977).
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[Anon.], German Mining Officer’s Diary Captured at Fricourt, July 1916, General Staff, SS465, 1916.
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[Anon.], Sprengvorschrift von 1911, (Georg Bath, Berlin, 1918).
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Published digital media
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Unpublished Dissertation
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Internet sources
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